slade, 11/13/2014 I. wxwidgets 3.0.2 (download source) 1. libgtk2-dev (sudo apt-get install libgtk2-dev) // base update 11/29/14: try libgtk2.0-dev if that doesn't work (sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev) 2. webkitgtk (sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-dev) // webview 3. gstreamer 0.10 (sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10) // mediactrl -- geez this has a lot of dependencies, it seems to want to install most of kde! Kate, icons? Why? also sudo apt-get install gstreamer-plugins-base0.10 CAREFUL, the plugins package is lumped into a standard gstreamer error message 4. ./configure --enable-mediactrl --enable-webview 5. make 6. sudo make install 7. ldconfig II. Freeimage 3.16.0 (download source) 1. make 2. sudo make install III. SFML 2.0 DON'T install libsfml-dev, that will get you SFML2.1 get the source... 1. sudo apt-get install libglew-dev 2. sudo apt-get install libopenal-dev 3. mkdir release, cd release 4. cmake .. 5. make 6. sudo make install IV. Fluidsynth 1.1.3 (NOT the latest version, don't use apt) get the source... 1. ./configure 2. make 3. sudo make install V. FTGL 1. sudo apt-get install libftgl-dev VI. libmodplug 1. sudo apt-get install libmodplug-dev VII. compile slade 3 itself! 1. mkdir release, cd release 2. cmake .. 3. make 4. For some reason make doesn't generate slade3.pk3, so I just downloaded the zipped windows binaries and extracted it out of there Alternatively you can zip slade3.pk3 manually files are located in dist/res/ thanks to Dusk for that info.